New Website Launch

New Website Launch

We are very excited to launch into the online world with our brand and create a base customers can experience The Perfect Shot at home from the click of a button. The website is very much in its infancy and we have so much more to add so keep a look out, but we thought we would use this opportunity to tell you a little bit about how The Perfect Shot brand started, with our very first blog!

Kate is the owner and founder of the business, which was established in 2020, just a couple of weeks before covid hit! With a love of all things coffee, but feeling there was a gap in the market for a really good barista takeaway coffee in our local town she began researching and planning how to make that idea come to life. After a few long months chipping away converting an old rice horse trailer she took the plunge and set up trading. Even though there was huge uncertainty at the beginning of covid, takeaway was the only service that was able to continue, and she soon found people not only loved the coffee but were grateful to keep one of life’s little pleasures during a time most other places had to close. A community following was growing. 

Fast forward to 2022 and we now have a successful shop in Wooler which is open 6 days a week, serving our delicious signature blend coffee, breakfasts, sandwiches, hot lunches, freshly baked scones and pastries, everyday essentials bread, milk and eggs, all locally produced and sourced wherever possible. We also believe it is important to support other businesses within ours, for example we have a great relationship with our local butcher T R Johnson who provides all the meat for our shop including their rare breed pork sausages for stacking up in our breakfast rolls which is a customer favourite. They are just a 5 minute walk from our shop meaning we can collect all on foot most mornings, you can’t get fresher than that!

The name The Perfect Shot refers to a shot of coffee (hopefully you’d already worked that out), and it took quite a long time to decide on a name, but when the name came to us it just clicked and we knew it was, well, Perfect! We like that its different and what we like to think makes us stand out.

We think thats enough reading for now but hopefully this has given you a little insight to how it all began and what’s behind the brand, keep a look out for more lines being added to our website and we welcome your ideas and suggestions for our next blog…


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